Welcome to our Forum. We post content here related to the Vibration and Sound Monitoring industry. We will keep you up to date on the latest from the ISEE (International Society of Explosives Engineers), Instantel seismographs, and construction vibration projects that we work with.

Instantel Product Catalog
An all new Instantel product catalog is available providing a detailed list of all of our available products. It also includes updated product images, descriptions, specifications, and part numbers. Contact us today if you're interested in a quote to rent or purchase any of these parts ...

Construction Noise Monitoring Equipment
Sound pollution and noise testing/monitoring will be performed using Instantel Class 1 sound level meters. These units can monitor using both the A and C scales and will be capable of providing sound exposure levels throughout the project. The noise level equipment can have alarms set based on the certain project specifications ...

Engineering Seismographs
2.2 Engineering seismographs shall be capable of measuring vibration levels from 0.02 to 10 inches per second, at frequencies from 2 to 200 Hz, and of continually recording readings for a period of 24 hours. If you're looking for recommendations on how to comply with this specification call or email ...

Instantel Vibration Monitoring Equipment for Sale
We have Instantel Minimate and Micromate vibration monitoring equipment for rent and for sale. Since DRW Associates is one of the largest Instantel seismograph dealers in the United States, we are often able to provide the most competitive pricing on Instantel Minimate and Micromate seismographs, geophones, geotechnical sensors and accessories ...

Instantel Auto Call Home Test
- When deploying a Powercase or remote monitoring Micromate for Instantel Auto Call Home, be sure to fill out our remote monitoring form at this link.
- An auto call home test should be performed while on-site with the Instantel Micromate or Minimate seismograph. Auto Call Home and Blastware Mail systems are ...

Micromate Schedule: How to Troubleshoot.
The Instantel Micromate Schedule can be configured by using Thor or Blastware. Don't enable it on the Micromate without knowing how it was last setup through the software as this can lead to misconfiguration. After you start monitoring, if your Micromate continues to say "scheduler running" after approx. 30 seconds, ...